Write for Us – Guest Post

Must read:
- Everyone is welcomed for sending us quotes,no ristrictions.
- Every type of quotes or anything related will be accepted.
- Each quote will be accepted after it is reviewed.
Send us your quote on our email address
taimurahmed5b@gmil.com With following things:
- Your name
- Your necessary Bio data.
- Your Email address(it will not be shown on the blog,its on you)
- Backlink,Url or any other credits you want us to show (not more than 100 words)
If you want to be a permement author of our blog, its not difficult but there are some conditions,
In return, Wee will need 10 fb likes on or FB official page (www.facebook.com/everyquote11),and regular visit to our blog.(it is necessary for both,guests and permement members).
- Provide us your complete biodata.
- Your email address
- let us know why you want to be a permement member(just to check your caliber)
- A minimum amount of 10 quotes per 15 days will be required.It is up to you that you send us 10 quotes in one day or in 15 days.
- Backlink, Url or any other credits you want us to show, for permement members, we also accept FB page links (not more than 200 words).
- All quotes will be reviewed.
For permement members, A separete Author page will be created (once he/she is an active member)
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